How To’s

Get VICIphone

VICIphone is an Open Source Project. You can download the source code and actual releases for VICIphone from GitHub if you would like to install it on your own server. There are installation instructions on GitHub.

As an alternative we at The Vicidial Group are offering a free hosted version of VICIphone. The Web Phone URL to use the free hosted version is You can read our privacy policy for the free hosted version here.

Configure Asterisk so it will work with VICIphone

In order to use VICIphone you will need to configure your phone system to accept WebRTC connections. Asterisk 13 and later can handle WebRTC connections. This guide will go through the steps necessary to configure Asterisk to accept WebRTC connections. If you are going to be using VICIphone with VICIdial these steps will be necessary on all of the dialer servers. The guide can be found here.

Configure VICIdial to use VICIphone

This guide assumes you have already configured Asterisk on your dialer servers to accept WebRTC connections. Once that is done it is a matter of setting a few values in different parts of the VICIdial web interface. The guide can be found here.

Integrate VICIphone in other applications

VICIphone was written in such a way that it can be easily integrated into other applications besides VICIdial. It is just a matter of writing a PHP script to process the connection variables from your application, set some JavaScript variables, and then import the vp_template.php file. For detailed instructions click here.

Customize VICIphone’s layout

VICIphone’s layout was made using CSS. As such if you understand how to write a CSS layout for a website you can create one for VICIphone. Then it is just a matter of telling VICIphone to use your layout. For detailed instructions click here.