Configure Asterisk so it will work with VICIphone


  • Asterisk 13 or later (browsers stopped supporting Asterisk 11)
  • A Fully Qualified Domain Name for the server
  • A VALID SSL certificate from a VALID Certificate Authority like GoDaddy or LetsEncrypt for the Fully Qualified Domain Name for the server. SELF SIGNED SSL CERTIFICATES DO NOT WORK!!!


  1. Edit /etc/asterisk/http.conf
  2. Uncomment ‘enabled=yes’
  3. Uncomment and change ‘bindaddr=’
  4. Uncomment ‘bindport=8088’
  5. Uncomment ‘tlsenable=yes’
  6. Uncomment ‘tlsbindaddr=’
  7. Uncomment and change ‘tlscertfile’ to read: tlscertfile=/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/CERT/FILE
  8. Uncomment and change ‘tlsprivatekey’ to read: tlsprivatekey=/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/KEY/FILE
  9. Save /etc/asterisk/http.conf
  10. Make sure that TCP port 8089 is open in the servers firewall.
  11. Edit /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
  12. Make sure that the module is being loaded.
  13. Reboot the server.
  14. On the Linux CLI run this command: asterisk -rx ‘http show status’
  15. Check the output from the above command to make sure it says “HTTPS Server Enabled and Bound to”

That should be it. Please note that “/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/CERT/FILE” should be replaced with the full Linux file system path to your SSL certificate file and “/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/KEY/FILE” should be replaced with the full Linux file system path to the SSL key file that goes with the certificate file.