About Us


VICIphone is an Open Source, WebRTC based web phone originally designed for use with the VICIdial Contact Center Suite. It is not limited to use with VICIdial though. It can be used with any WebRTC compatible phone system that supports encrypted web sockets. VICIphone was developed using SIP.js, a library that streamlines the process of developing WebRTC applications. VICIphone’s primary developer is Michael Cargile, one of the founding members of the Vicidial Group.


VICIdial Contact Center Suite:

The VICIdial Contact Center Suite is Open Source Software that was first built in 2003. It now has over 2,000 features and settings, and is in use at over 14,000 companies in over 100 countries around the world.



The Vicidial Group:

The Vicidial Group was founded in 2007 to provide an array of professional products and services to the rapidly growing national and international VICIdial user community. The Vicidial Group began offering its VICIhost solution that same year.

The original creator and primary developer of VICIdial, Matt Florell, started the Vicidial Group along with several other VICIdial consultants who had all been operating independently.