Configure VICIdial to use VICIphone


  • Each Asterisk Server in the Vicidial cluster configured to work with VICIphone (instructions here).
  • The agent web interface accessible via HTTPS using VALID SSL certificates from a VALID Certificate Authority like GoDaddy or LetsEncrypt. SELF SIGNED SSL CERTIFICATES DO NOT WORK!!!
  • The URL where the agents will be loading VICIphone from. We provide this for free at
  • All content that will be loaded into the same browser tab as the VICIdial web interface must be SSL encrypted. This is especially true if you load external web pages as an IFRAME in the scripts tab. (NOTE: content loaded in other browser tabs or windows do not need to be SSL encrypted)


  1. In the Admin interface of VICIdial go to ADMIN -> System Settings
  2. Change Webphone URL to the URL you will be loading VICIphone from. On newer installs of VICIdial this defaults to You can leave this as is if you would like.
  3. In the Admin interface of VICIdial go to Admin -> Servers.
  4. For each server in the cluster change it’s External Server IP to the publicly accessible IP of the server. If the server is behind an external firewall then this would be the publicly accessible IP that is forwarding port 8089 to the server.
  5. Also for each server set the “Web Socket URL” field to the actual Web Socket URL being used by this Asterisk server. Should something like wss:// Be sure to replace with the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the server.
  6. In the Admin interface of VICIdial go to Admin -> Templates and create a new template with the following contents:

    NOTE: in the above template, the text “/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/CERT/FILE” &
    “/PATH/TO/YOUR/SSL/KEY/FILE” should replaced with the exact file names or your SSL certificate and key files.

  7. In the Admin interface of VICIdial go to Admin -> Phones and edit the agent’s phone.
  8. On that phone change the following fields to:
    Set As Webphone: Y
    Webphone Auto-Answer: Y
    Use External Server IP: Y
    Template ID: (select the template created in step #6)
  9. Have the agent log into the HTTPS encrypted agent web interface.
  10. Once they have selected the campaign and
    clicked “submit”, VICIphone should be launched with all of the correct settings. It
    runs embedded in the upper right corner of the agent’s browser, as part of their VICIdial agent interface.